Wednesday 25 May 2016

[26/5] June Holiday Homework + More videos on Global Warming

June Supplementary Practice (Set 1)
Complete the whole set & bring back on 20 June to go through during Supp Class.

Interaction Activity Book (Homework)
Complete Topical Worksheet 4 (pg 67-78)
Hand in on 20 June (during Supp Class).

More Videos on Global Warming

Global Warming

Tuesday 24 May 2016

[25/5] Homework + Notes + Videos

Interaction Activity Book (Homework)
Complete pg 61-62. Bring your book tomorrow to go through in class.

Extra Notes
You have receive some notes on Man's Impact to the Environment as well as the last part on Adaptation for Survival.

Bring the notes again tomorrow to complete going through the slides.

Videos on Man's Impact to the Environment

Deforestation, Desertification & Declining Biological Diversity

Pollution: Physical, Chemical & Biological

Human Causes of Eutrophication

National Geographic Channel's Human Footprint

What's Your Footprint? (Play a Game)
Calculate how much you consume and how it measures up.

National Geographic Channel's Trash of a Human Lifetime

Save the World


Protecting our Planet and Combating Climate Change

Monday 23 May 2016

Wednesday 18 May 2016

[19/5] Science Homework & Exam Papers

We have completed going through the SA1 Paper. 
File in your SA1 Science Exam Papers into your Science File.

Read up Interactions Chapter 7: Man's impact on the Environment (pg 66 to 80)
Be ready for next week's discussion:
  • List examples on Man's actions and the positive impacts Man has on his environment.
  • List examples on Man's actions and the negative impacts Man has on his environment.

Sunday 15 May 2016

[16/5] Return of SA1 Science Paper

SA1 Science Exam Papers
The following Exam Papers has been returned today. Get Parent's Signature on the cover page where the total marks is written.
  • SA1 Science Paper Booklet A (OAS to be stapled behind)
  • SA1 Science Paper Booklet B (Answers that you have written on a fulscape should be stapled behind)
Going through of Science Paper 
I'll be using the rest of the lesson this week and next week to go through the paper.
  • Tues (17/5): Section B Q43 & Q44
  • Wed (18/5): Section B Q31 - Q42 
  • Thurs (19/5): Go through MCQ Question 1-15
  • Week 10 (24/5, Tues): Go through MCQ Question 16-30
  • Week 10 (25/5, Wed): [Complete Interactions Topical Worksheet 3]
  • Week 10 (26/5): No Science Lesson. You will have Art Lesson instead. (Swop from today's Art periods)

Tuesday 10 May 2016

[11/5] Today's ICT Lesson on Adaptations

Link to Google Sheets on Adaptations

Today's ICT Lesson on Adaptations
Your Task:
  • Work in pairs to research using the computer.
  • Research on 2 different animals in terms of structural and behavioural adaptations.
  • These adaptations should serve to enhance the organisms' survival in their environments, such as, coping with extreme temperatures, catching prey and protecting against predators. 
How to input in Google Sheets:
  • Enter your research findings according to the headings in the google spreadsheet.
  • State the scientific concept involved
  • After you are done with the 2 animals, you may comment on other contribution made by your classmates. 
  • You can make us of the following scaffolds (click on the drop down list) to help you make comments.
  1. I think....
  2. I can add to that...
  3. I wonder why...
  4. I wonder what...
  5. I wonder how...
  6. I wonder who...
Video on Nature Best Camouflages
The video below shows some animals which are good at blending in to the environment. What do you think is the purpose or function of such adaptation?

Monday 9 May 2016

[10/5] Answers to Notes in handout

For the rest of the missing blanks, you can try out first. We will go through again tomorrow.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

[5/5] Filing & Booklet B Practice Paper

Science File
We have gone through Practice Paper (2) MCQ. File them neatly in your Science File

Practice Paper (1) Booklet B
We will go through 3 more questions together as a class discussion tomorrow.
Pupils who did not hand in today, do remember to bring tomorrow.