Thursday 25 February 2016

A Good Read - Steam Train "Flying Scotsman"

Wednesday 24 February 2016

[25/2] Science File & Revision for CA1

Science File
Science file has been returned to you today.
File in 2015 MCQ, 2015 Section B & 2014 MCQ papers.

Next Tuesday (1 Mar) Science Lesson
Bring back 2014 MCQ paper to go through Q22 to Q30.
Bring back 2015 Section B paper to go through Q43 & 44

Important reminders in your Science Revision

1. Gravitational Force vs Gravitational Potential Energy (MCQ 2014 paper: Q21)

  • The amount of gravitational force acting on the javelin is the same at C, D and E. This force is constant as long as you're on earth.
  • However, the gravitational potential energy will change. 
  • At C, it has greater gravitational potential energy & therefore lesser kinetic energy
  • At E, it will then have lesser gravitational potential energy as it is converted to greater kinetic energy. 
  • This is similar to the Roller Coaster Example, pg 24 in your Energy activity book.

2. Cause, Effect & Purpose (MCQ 2014 paper: Q20)
  • In Surface D...
  • Cause: Frictional Force between the wheels of the toy car & the surface of the ramp is the least.
  • Effect: The toy car is observed to roll down the ramp the fastest. / The toy car took the shortest time to roll down the ramp.
  • Purpose: (Applying the experiment in the context of the bathroom floor tiles) It is the least suitable for making the surface of bathroom floor tiles.
  • This is similar to the pg 7, Question 2 in your Interaction activity book.
  • Whenever question asks to "Explain why", you will need to have the Cause & Effect in your answer. 
  • Purpose will be needed when there is an application in another context.

    Tuesday 23 February 2016

    [24/2] NSB, Revision & Practice Paper

    Energy Activity Book
    I've returned this book today for revision & Parents' Signature (at the content page)
    Do use the notes inside for revision.
    Bring back the book next Wed after your Science CA1 paper.

    NSB - Conversion of Energy
    More examples discussed today. If you have missed out, here's a copy. 
    No. 8-11, you are to complete on your own by filling in the types of energy in the conversion process.

    Practice Paper Answers
    Here are the answers to the rest of the questions. I'm left with Q43 & 44 to go through tomorrow.
    Remember to bring the paper tomorrow.

    Practice Paper (MCQ) 2014 & 2015
    This is a reminder to bring your MCQ paper tomorrow for going through in class.

    Wednesday 17 February 2016

    [18/2] Interactions AB (For Parents' Signature) & Homework

    Interactions Activity Book
    Bring home this book for CA1 Revision & Parents' Signature (on the content page)
    Bring back the book on Week 9 (2 Mar, Wednesday) after your CA1 Science Paper.


    2015 Practice Paper (MCQ)

    • Complete Q28-30 (Energy Conversion Questions)
    • Bring back the paper next Wednesday to go through Q25-39.
    2014 Practice Paper (MCQ) 
    • Cross out Q8-12 (Food Chain/Food Web Questions)
    • Complete all the rest of the questions
    • Bring back the paper next Thursday for going through in class.

    Reminder: Hand in NSB HW (Conversion of Energy from one form to another)

    Your task is to read up and write down as many examples on how energy is converted from one form to another. 
    - you may use the various types of power stations (application of energy conversion) we have discussed so far.

    This task is due tomorrow, 19 Feb. Hand in to Science Monitors.

    Tuesday 16 February 2016

    [17/2] NSB Homework & Some Misconceptions

    Energy Activity 2 Experiment - Learning Points

    • As the height of the ramp increases, the distance traveled by the car increases.
    • As the height of the ramp increases, the amount of gravitational potential energy increases.
    • As the toy car moves down the ramp, gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.
    • The greater the amount of gravitational potential energy of the toy car at the top of the ramp, the greater the amount of kinetic energy that is converted into, causing the toy car to move down the ramp faster.

    NSB - Difference between Photosynthesis & Respiration

    Misconception 1: We use our nose for respiration while plants use their stomata

    • Respiration for both plants and animals takes place in all cells.

    Misconception 2: Respiration only takes place at night.

    • Respiration takes place all the time, throughout the day and night.

    Misconception 3: Photosynthesis only takes place in the day.

    • Photosynthesis only takes place in the presence of light. If there is no sunlight in the day, photosynthesis will not take place.

    Summary table of difference

    Homework: NSB - Conversion of Energy from one form to another

    We have discussed the following examples on how energy is converted from one form to another.
    • During photosynthesis
    • During respiration
    • When a ball falls from a height
    Your task is to read up and write down as many examples on how energy is converted from one form to another. 
    - you may use the various types of power stations (application of energy conversion) we have discussed so far.

    This task is due Friday, 19 Feb.

    Reminder - Things to bring tomorrow.

    • Bring along your 2015 Practice Paper (MCQ). We will continue to go through the answers tomorrow.
    • [Only for pupils who have not handed in] Bring 2015 Practice Paper (Section B) tomorrow.

    Monday 15 February 2016

    [16/2] Homework: Energy Activity Book & Science LJ consent form

    Summary of Learning Points
    We have discussed how the hydro-electric power station and the windmill power station works using the videos shared earlier in the Science Blog.

    You may refer to the post on "[11/2] Video on Types of Power Stations" to watch the videos again.

    Concepts to learn:

    • To list the advantages and disadvantages of these 2 power stations.
    • State the conversion of energy from one to another for these 2 power stations.

    Homework: Energy Activity Book
    Complete any outstanding corrections (refer to content page for corrections)
    Complete pg 23-24.
    You may refer to the videos again to help you understand better.
    This is due tomorrow, 17 Feb.

    Science LJ Consent Form
    Please return the reply slip latest by Thursday, 18 Feb.

    Sunday 14 February 2016

    [15/2] Science Supplementary WS 1

    We have finished going through the answers for Q1-7.

    Summary of Learning Points

    • When an object gains heat....
    • Expands (e.g. in solid, liquid or gas)
    • Melts (Solid ice => Liquid water)
    • Evaporates (Any liquid / Boiling water => Water vapour)
    • When an object loses heat...
    • Contracts (e.g. in soild, liquid or gas)
    • Freezes (Liquid water => Solid ice)
    • Condenses (Water vapour => water droplets)

    Complete Qn 8 & 9 as homework.
    This is due Thursday (19/2)

    Thursday 11 February 2016

    [12/2] DIY Windmill Template

    You have received the template for making the Windmill today.
    Here's the instructions from your Activity Book on how to make it.
    Bring your Windmill next Tues, 16 Feb.

    Wednesday 10 February 2016

    [11/2] Video on Types of Power Stations

    Thank you Chuan Kit & Justin for the Windmill model that you've made. 

    Do bring back your model again next week as we have not finished our discussion.

    Here are more applications of the various forms of energy.

    As you watch these videos, think about the following questions:
    • Where can Kinetic Energy be found?
    • Can you explain the conversion of energy in these examples?
    Hydroelectric Power Plant

    Wind Power Plant

    Geothermal Power Station

    Tuesday 9 February 2016

    [10/2] Energy Activity Book: Activity 3 - Windmill

    Kinetic Energy - Some Important Key notes

    Misconception: The amount of kinetic energy in a moving object depends only on the speed of the object.
    • Besides the speed of the object, kinetic energy also depends on the mass of the object.
    Kinetic Energy can come from the wind (moving air) or moving water. Movement of the air or water can cause an object to move. We say the energy is transfered to the object.

    Observing the Windmill under the fan

    The windmill rotates quickly and slow down and rotates quickly again.
    It is dependent on the wind direction wind speed and the location where we place the windmill.

    Homework: Make your own Windmill
    You have seen a sample of my DIY Windmill. It's your turn to make one on your own.
    You may follow the Activity Book pg 20 or the video below to make your own.
    You may decide on your own the following:
    • Any size of DIY windmill
    • Any type of papers
    Bring along your Windmill tomorrow for discussion.

    Additional Video on DIY Windmill

    Wednesday 3 February 2016

    [4/2] Homework: 2015 Science Practice Paper

    Yesterday's Homework: NSB - Table of differences between photosynthesis and respiration
    Show differences in the following areas:
    • Define the process
    • Where it occurs
    • Factors needed for process to take place
    • What it produces as the end product
    • When it occurs

    This task is due next Wednesday so that you can refer to your NSB notes for CA1 revision over the long weekend. 

    The Homework below are due on Thursday (11 Feb)
    • Remember to bring them back. 
    • Have a great CNY Holiday Break.

    2015 Science Practice Paper (MCQ)
    • I've marked your MCQ that you've attempted in class last week. 
    • Homework: Re-attempt the questions that you've gotten wrong. 
    • We will be going through next week in class. 

    2015 Science Practice Paper (Section B)
    • I've gone through the corrections to the 7 questions that I've marked.
    • Here's the answers to these 7 questions. Copy down as corrections in green.
    • Homework: Complete the rest of the 7 questions (Q35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44)

    Tuesday 2 February 2016

    [3/2] Homework: Energy Activity Book

    Energy Chapter 1: Energy in Food
    We have complete Chapter 1 today. 

    Some mis-conceptions in this Chapter.

    1) Food only provides us with energy.
    • Some types of food contain vitamins and minerals. They are not sources of energy but essential to help us maintain good health.
    2) Plants can only use light energy from the Sun to carry out photosynthesis.
    • Besides light energy from the Sun, plants can also use visible light, e.g. artificial light from a bulb, to carry out photosynthesis.
    3) Plants respire only at night and photosynthesize only during the day (when there is light)
    • Plants respire all the time (with or without light) and photosynthesize only in the presence of light.
    4) Plants get most of their food from the soil. Fertilisers provide more food for the plant.
    • Plants only obtain water and minerals from the soil. Fertilisers do not provide food for the plant. They enrich the soil with minerals essential for healthy plant growth.

    Activity 1: Testing for Starch
    Observations made with your food items:

    Homework: Energy Activity Book
    Complete pg 3
    Complete pg 8-12
    Make use of the notes on pg 4-6 to help you do the questions.

    This task is due tomorrow, 4 Feb

    Homework: NSB - Table of differences between photosynthesis and respiration
    Show differences in the following areas:
    • Define the process
    • Where it occurs
    • Factors needed for process to take place
    • What it produces as the end product
    • When it occurs
    This task is due next week so that you can refer to your NSB notes for CA1 revision over the long weekend.