Tuesday 23 August 2016

[24/8] Parachute Project

Complete your experiment design on the Parachute Activity.
Bring along the parachute that you've made for tomorrow's lesson.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Additional Resources

Additional Resources

Dendrophylax lindenii, the ghost orchid
The bulk of the plant consists only of flat, cord-like, green roots with distinctive "track marks". These white track marks are called pneumatodes and function in much the same manner as stomata allowing the photosynthetic roots to perform gas exchange to support photosynthesis. These roots are used for moisture absorption and their chloroplasts for photosynthesis


Corallorhiza: A genus of flowers in the orchid family, with most species being parasitic, relying entirely upon mycorrhizal fungi within their coral-shaped rhizomes for sustenance

Wednesday 20 July 2016

[21/7] Return of 2015 PSLE paper for revision

I've returned the PSLE 2015 MCQ & Booklet B to you today.
The answer key is also given.

I've gone through the Booklet B to Qn38.

I've not finished marking Q43-44 yet. Bring back the paper next Tuesday for me to complete going through Q39-44.

Do use this paper for your revision today & prepare for tomorrow's Mock Paper tomorrow during Supp Class. We will be doing EDP Past year Prelim Paper as Mock Paper tomorrow. 

Wednesday 13 July 2016

[14/7] Homework: Self-Revision Set C

Complete Self-Revision Set C
This is due next Tuesday, 19 July.

PSLE 2014 Booklet B
We have finished going through Booklet B. Bring home and get parents' Signature.
Suggested answers are attached at the back of Booklet B.

As you revise...
Should you don't understand any concepts as you revise, do look for me and ask me.
Mis-conception should not repeat itself as you take the subsequent mock papers during Supp Class.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

[7/7] Homework & Revision

Complete Self-Revision Set B
This is due on Tuesday, 12 July.

PSLE 2013 Booklet B
Bring home and get parents' Signature.
We have gone through the paper up to Q39.
Staple the answer key, that I've provided today, at the back of the paper. (Note: Cause is represented with a (c) and Effect is represented with a (e) at the back of some answers.)
I'll continue with the rest next Tuesday.
In the meantime, start revising topics that you're weak in.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

[30/6] MCQ Self-Revision Set A

Complete Self-Revision Set A
This is due on Tuesday, 5 July.

There are a total of 5 Self-Revision MCQ Sets. Do take this practice seriously.

I'll be recording the marks to each set and let you know if you're meeting the Prelim Target.

Tuesday 28 June 2016

[29/6] MC Online Videos

We have watched the videos in MC online today & conducted the experiment for Activity 11.

Here's the videos you can view on MC Online.

Login to MC Online

e-Experiment Upper Block

  • Interactions - Soil Erosion
  • Interactions - Dangers of Burning

Amazing Edu Science Upper Block

  • Interactions - Ecosystem at a Glance
  • Interactions - Greenhouse Effect to the Earth
  • Interactions - Air pollution, Green plants & Global Warming

Wednesday 25 May 2016

[26/5] June Holiday Homework + More videos on Global Warming

June Supplementary Practice (Set 1)
Complete the whole set & bring back on 20 June to go through during Supp Class.

Interaction Activity Book (Homework)
Complete Topical Worksheet 4 (pg 67-78)
Hand in on 20 June (during Supp Class).

More Videos on Global Warming

Global Warming

Tuesday 24 May 2016

[25/5] Homework + Notes + Videos

Interaction Activity Book (Homework)
Complete pg 61-62. Bring your book tomorrow to go through in class.

Extra Notes
You have receive some notes on Man's Impact to the Environment as well as the last part on Adaptation for Survival.

Bring the notes again tomorrow to complete going through the slides.

Videos on Man's Impact to the Environment

Deforestation, Desertification & Declining Biological Diversity

Pollution: Physical, Chemical & Biological

Human Causes of Eutrophication

National Geographic Channel's Human Footprint

What's Your Footprint? (Play a Game)
Calculate how much you consume and how it measures up.

National Geographic Channel's Trash of a Human Lifetime

Save the World


Protecting our Planet and Combating Climate Change

Monday 23 May 2016

Wednesday 18 May 2016

[19/5] Science Homework & Exam Papers

We have completed going through the SA1 Paper. 
File in your SA1 Science Exam Papers into your Science File.

Read up Interactions Chapter 7: Man's impact on the Environment (pg 66 to 80)
Be ready for next week's discussion:
  • List examples on Man's actions and the positive impacts Man has on his environment.
  • List examples on Man's actions and the negative impacts Man has on his environment.

Sunday 15 May 2016

[16/5] Return of SA1 Science Paper

SA1 Science Exam Papers
The following Exam Papers has been returned today. Get Parent's Signature on the cover page where the total marks is written.
  • SA1 Science Paper Booklet A (OAS to be stapled behind)
  • SA1 Science Paper Booklet B (Answers that you have written on a fulscape should be stapled behind)
Going through of Science Paper 
I'll be using the rest of the lesson this week and next week to go through the paper.
  • Tues (17/5): Section B Q43 & Q44
  • Wed (18/5): Section B Q31 - Q42 
  • Thurs (19/5): Go through MCQ Question 1-15
  • Week 10 (24/5, Tues): Go through MCQ Question 16-30
  • Week 10 (25/5, Wed): [Complete Interactions Topical Worksheet 3]
  • Week 10 (26/5): No Science Lesson. You will have Art Lesson instead. (Swop from today's Art periods)

Tuesday 10 May 2016

[11/5] Today's ICT Lesson on Adaptations

Link to Google Sheets on Adaptations

Today's ICT Lesson on Adaptations
Your Task:
  • Work in pairs to research using the computer.
  • Research on 2 different animals in terms of structural and behavioural adaptations.
  • These adaptations should serve to enhance the organisms' survival in their environments, such as, coping with extreme temperatures, catching prey and protecting against predators. 
How to input in Google Sheets:
  • Enter your research findings according to the headings in the google spreadsheet.
  • State the scientific concept involved
  • After you are done with the 2 animals, you may comment on other contribution made by your classmates. 
  • You can make us of the following scaffolds (click on the drop down list) to help you make comments.
  1. I think....
  2. I can add to that...
  3. I wonder why...
  4. I wonder what...
  5. I wonder how...
  6. I wonder who...
Video on Nature Best Camouflages
The video below shows some animals which are good at blending in to the environment. What do you think is the purpose or function of such adaptation?

Monday 9 May 2016

[10/5] Answers to Notes in handout

For the rest of the missing blanks, you can try out first. We will go through again tomorrow.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

[5/5] Filing & Booklet B Practice Paper

Science File
We have gone through Practice Paper (2) MCQ. File them neatly in your Science File

Practice Paper (1) Booklet B
We will go through 3 more questions together as a class discussion tomorrow.
Pupils who did not hand in today, do remember to bring tomorrow.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

[28/4] More Revision Notes & MCQ Homework

More Revision Notes
The following notes have been given to you today.
Do file them neatly for revision & study them together with the other concept maps done in your NSB.
The words in the blanks are key words that will help you remember the concepts. Do focus on the importance of the words when you study.
  • Concept map on Adaptation for Breathing 
  • Concept map on Adaptation to Cope with Extreme Temperature

Interaction Activity Book
We have completed all the activities up to pg 56.
Bring home to revise for SA1.
We will complete Topical Worksheet 3 (pg 57-60) after SA1 exam.
The rest of the pages will be covered in Term 3.

Do bring back you book on 11 May Science Paper.

Homework: Practice Paper (2) - MCQ (EDP 2014)
This is your last EDP SA1 2014 Practice Paper MCQ.
Do attempt it seriously. P6 topics are included.
Pupils who improve compared to their CA1 MCQ marks, will get a token from me.
Timed yourself 30 minutes to complete ALL 30 MCQ.
This is due next Tuesday, 3 May.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

[27/4] Revision Notes & Science File

Revision Notes
The following notes have been given to you today.
Do file them neatly for revision & study them together with the other concept maps done in your NSB.
  • Notes on Heat
  • A set of concept maps on Adaptations

Science File
We have gone through Practice Paper (1) MCQ. File them neatly in your Science File
The following extra MCQ practices should also be filed in.
  • MCQ Set 1
  • MCQ Set A
  • MCQ Set B
  • MCQ Set C
  • MCQ Set D (will be returned to your tomorrow)

Wednesday 20 April 2016

[21/4] Homework: MCQ Revision Set C

2016 Term 2 Self-Revision Set C
File in Set C into your Science File. Here's a copy of the answer key.
Do revise the P6 topics and see me if you do not understand why you're wrong.
I'm available next Thursday after your Supp Class.

Homework: 2016 Term 2 Self-Revision Set D
This is your last Self-Revision Set. Do attempt it seriously. P6 topics are included.
Pupils who improve compared to their CA1 MCQ marks, will get a token from me.
Timed yourself 30 minutes to complete ALL 30 MCQ.
This is due next Tuesday, 26 Apr.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

[20/4] Interactions Activity Book

Interactions Activity Book
Complete pg 44-45
Bring back the book tomorrow.
We will go through the answers and continue with the Adaptation Activities in the book.

Energy Activity Book
Bring home this book for revision. We have completed it and you do not need to bring back,

Monday 18 April 2016

[19/4] Practice Paper (1) MCQ

I've gone through corrections to Q1-10. 
Look at Q11-15 and identify questions that are carelessly done. Attempt the corrections on your own. We will go through them tomorrow in class.

Complete Q16-Q30.
This task is due tomorrow.
Your target is to improve from the score for Q1-15.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

[14/4] MCQ Revision Set C & Adaptations Concept Maps

2016 Term 2 Self-Revision Set A
File in Set B into your Science File. Here's a copy of the answer key.

Homework: 2016 Term 2 Self-Revision Set C
Timed yourself 30 minutes to complete ALL 30 MCQ.
This is due next Tuesday, 19 Apr.

Homework in NSB: Adaptations Concept Map
We have started on Adaptations today and completed adaptations for breathing and movement.
Copy the 3 concept maps below into your NSB.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

[13/4] Homework & Chapter 6 Summary

Homework: Interactions Activity Book
Complete pg 39-43
This is due tomorrow, 14 Apr.

Chapter 6: Adaptations for Survival
Key Pointers

Structural Adaptations
  • Have special body parts that help them survive or reproduce.

Behavioural Adaptations
  • Behave in a certain manner that help them survive or reproduce.

Why do organisms adapt?
  • For Movement so that they can look food and water.
  • For Breathing so that they can get enough air.
  • To Deal with their physical living conditions (in an extreme cold/hot environment)
  • For Getting food for animals.
  • For Making food for plants.
  • For Protection so that they can escape from predators.
  • For Reproduction so as to ensure continuity of its kind.

Monday 11 April 2016

[12/4] Sentences Frame & HW: Interactions Activity Book

Homework: Interactions Activity Book
Complete pg 32-33 & pg 35-38
Bring back the book tomorrow. We will be going through the answers tomorrow.

Open-Ended Question Strategy: Sentence Frame
Here's what we have discussed in class today. Copy this into your NSB.

When asked to explain what happen to the population of organism X if the population of Y increases, you need to look at the following 3 steps to craft your answer.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

[7/4] Homework: MCQ Revision; EDP Eco-pond & Eco-Garden; NSB Concept Map

2016 Term 2 Self-Revision Set A
File in Set A into your Science File.
Here's the answer key for pupils not around in school due to competition.

Homework: 2016 Term 2 Self-Revision Set B
Timed yourself 30 minutes to complete ALL 30 MCQ.
Your target is to score 4 marks better than Set A.
This is due next Tuesday, 12 Apr.

Homework in NSB: Discovering EDP's Eco-pond & Eco-Garden
Visit the Eco-Pond & Eco-Garden during recess and complete this in your NSB. We will discuss your findings next Tuesday during lesson. 

Name of Habitat: ______________
Name of animals found: __________________
Name of plants found: _____________________
Non-Living Factors that affect the survival of an organism: ___________________
Simple Sketch of the environment: ______________________

Name of Habitat: ______________
Name of animals found: __________________
Name of plants found: _____________________
Non-Living Factors that affect the survival of an organism: ___________________
Simple Sketch of the environment: ______________________

Homework in NSB: Garden Community Concept Map
Copy the Garden Community & Decomposers Concept Map below into your NSB for Revision.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

[6/4] Homework: Activity Book & NSB (Concept Maps)

Interactions Activity Book HW
Complete pg 28-31
Bring back tomorrow for going through in class.

Homework in NSB: Food Chains/Food Webs Concept Maps
We have covered Interaction Chapter 5: Food Chains/Food Webs today.
Copy the 2 concept maps below into your NSB.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

[31/3] Weekend Homework & Pictures of Groupwork

Weekend Homework
Complete Term 2 Self-Revision Set A
This is due on Monday, 4 Apr.

Pictures of Group Works on Factors affecting Living Things in the Environment

We will discuss more next week on the various groups write-up. 
I'm putting them here first for you to think through whether there are additional points that can be added in. 

Monday 28 March 2016

[29/3] NSB Homework: Concept Maps

Interactions Chapter 4: Characteristics of the Environment

We have gone through the Non-living factors affecting living things in the environment today. Here's the concept map to finish copying into your NSB. 

We have also memorise the factors in an acronym (FLAT SOW).

Copy down the concept map below on Living factors affecting living things into your NSB. 

Energy Chapter 3: Sources of Energy

Copy down the concept map below on Sources of Energy into your NSB. 
We will be discussing more on Energy from the Sun before doing the Activity Book.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

[24/3] Homework Over the Long Weekend

MCQ Set 1.....file into Science File
I've gone through the answers to MCQ Set 1. Do file them neatly into your Science File at home.

Homework: NSB Concept map on Pond Community
Copy down the concept map below into your NSB book.

Homework: SA1 Practice Paper (1) Booklet B
Do only the following 6 questions:
  • Q32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 42
Remember to read the questions carefully and highlight the keywords in the question. 
Write down the concept/topic which the question comes under.

This is due Monday, 28 March.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

[23/3] Summary of Interactions Chapter 3: Living Together

Chapter 3: Important Learning Points

  • An organism is a living thing.
  • A population is a group of organisms of the same kind that live together and reproduce in a particular place.
  • Population size is the number of organisms in a population.
  • Population size increases when organisms reproduce or when organisms  of the same kind move into a place with an abundance of food and water.
  • Population size decreases when organisms die or move out of a place in search of food and water.
  • A habitat is the place where an organism lives.
  • Habitats provide organisms with food, water, air, space and shelter for protection.
  • All the population living in a habitat depend on one another for survival. They are interdependent.
  • A community is formed when all the different populations of organisms living in a habitat comes together.
  • Different habitats support different communities.

Homework: Interaction Activity Book 
Complete pg 24-25
Bring the book tomorrow to go through in class.

Video on Pond Community

Wednesday 9 March 2016

[10/3] March Holiday Homework & other Matters

NSB, Energy & Interaction Activity Book
I've returned some of the above books today. I'll return the rest by tomorrow.
Do your revision on P6 topics during the March Holiday.

2016 CA1 Science Exam Papers
You are to file in the papers into your Science Green File together with all the CA1 Practice Papers.

March Holiday Homework
  1. Energy Activity Book: Complete the last 2 OE questions on pg 38-39.
  2. MCQ Practice Set 1 (you'll receive this tomorrow morning)
The above homework are due Monday, 21 Mar.

Term 2 Science Supplementary Class 
This is a reminder that your Science Supp Class will start Term 2 Week 1-3 on Mondays
We will complete the remaining OE questions for Heat Topic.
Read up on Matter Topic. We will be doing Worksheet on Matter for revision.

Bring back the following books on Monday, 21 Mar.
  • NSB
  • Interaction Activity Book

Tuesday 8 March 2016

[9/3] Energy Activity Book

Complete pg 36-39. 

We will be going through the answers tomorrow.

Note: The 15 pupils whose books are still in the midst of checking, should have a printed copy of pg 36-39 to complete. You will do on the paper & attach it inside the Energy Activity Book when you receive it tomorrow.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Energy Activity Book Topical Worksheet 2

We have gone through Q1-6 in class today.

You can complete the remaining questions (pg 33-39) as homework.

We will go through some answers tomorrow and next week.

Bring back your NSB & Interaction Activity Book tomorrow to hand in if you have not done so today.

Energy Conversion Kit (Class Demonstration)

Energy Conversion Kit - Class Demonstration

Kinetic Energy (Lever) => Electrical Energy (Generator) => Kinetic Energy (Small Fan)

Kinetic Energy (Lever) => Electrical Energy (Generator) => Kinetic Energy (Big Fan)

Chemical Potential Energy (Batteries) => 
Light and Heat Energy (Bulb) + Kinetic Energy (Big Fan) + Sound Energy (Buzzer)

Kinetic Energy (Lever) => Electrical Energy (Generator)  => 
Light and Heat Energy (Bulb) + Kinetic Energy (Big Fan) + Sound Energy (Buzzer)

Thursday 25 February 2016

A Good Read - Steam Train "Flying Scotsman"


Wednesday 24 February 2016

[25/2] Science File & Revision for CA1

Science File
Science file has been returned to you today.
File in 2015 MCQ, 2015 Section B & 2014 MCQ papers.

Next Tuesday (1 Mar) Science Lesson
Bring back 2014 MCQ paper to go through Q22 to Q30.
Bring back 2015 Section B paper to go through Q43 & 44

Important reminders in your Science Revision

1. Gravitational Force vs Gravitational Potential Energy (MCQ 2014 paper: Q21)

  • The amount of gravitational force acting on the javelin is the same at C, D and E. This force is constant as long as you're on earth.
  • However, the gravitational potential energy will change. 
  • At C, it has greater gravitational potential energy & therefore lesser kinetic energy
  • At E, it will then have lesser gravitational potential energy as it is converted to greater kinetic energy. 
  • This is similar to the Roller Coaster Example, pg 24 in your Energy activity book.

2. Cause, Effect & Purpose (MCQ 2014 paper: Q20)
  • In Surface D...
  • Cause: Frictional Force between the wheels of the toy car & the surface of the ramp is the least.
  • Effect: The toy car is observed to roll down the ramp the fastest. / The toy car took the shortest time to roll down the ramp.
  • Purpose: (Applying the experiment in the context of the bathroom floor tiles) It is the least suitable for making the surface of bathroom floor tiles.
  • This is similar to the pg 7, Question 2 in your Interaction activity book.
  • Whenever question asks to "Explain why", you will need to have the Cause & Effect in your answer. 
  • Purpose will be needed when there is an application in another context.

    Tuesday 23 February 2016

    [24/2] NSB, Revision & Practice Paper

    Energy Activity Book
    I've returned this book today for revision & Parents' Signature (at the content page)
    Do use the notes inside for revision.
    Bring back the book next Wed after your Science CA1 paper.

    NSB - Conversion of Energy
    More examples discussed today. If you have missed out, here's a copy. 
    No. 8-11, you are to complete on your own by filling in the types of energy in the conversion process.

    Practice Paper Answers
    Here are the answers to the rest of the questions. I'm left with Q43 & 44 to go through tomorrow.
    Remember to bring the paper tomorrow.

    Practice Paper (MCQ) 2014 & 2015
    This is a reminder to bring your MCQ paper tomorrow for going through in class.

    Wednesday 17 February 2016

    [18/2] Interactions AB (For Parents' Signature) & Homework

    Interactions Activity Book
    Bring home this book for CA1 Revision & Parents' Signature (on the content page)
    Bring back the book on Week 9 (2 Mar, Wednesday) after your CA1 Science Paper.


    2015 Practice Paper (MCQ)

    • Complete Q28-30 (Energy Conversion Questions)
    • Bring back the paper next Wednesday to go through Q25-39.
    2014 Practice Paper (MCQ) 
    • Cross out Q8-12 (Food Chain/Food Web Questions)
    • Complete all the rest of the questions
    • Bring back the paper next Thursday for going through in class.

    Reminder: Hand in NSB HW (Conversion of Energy from one form to another)

    Your task is to read up and write down as many examples on how energy is converted from one form to another. 
    - you may use the various types of power stations (application of energy conversion) we have discussed so far.

    This task is due tomorrow, 19 Feb. Hand in to Science Monitors.

    Tuesday 16 February 2016

    [17/2] NSB Homework & Some Misconceptions

    Energy Activity 2 Experiment - Learning Points

    • As the height of the ramp increases, the distance traveled by the car increases.
    • As the height of the ramp increases, the amount of gravitational potential energy increases.
    • As the toy car moves down the ramp, gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.
    • The greater the amount of gravitational potential energy of the toy car at the top of the ramp, the greater the amount of kinetic energy that is converted into, causing the toy car to move down the ramp faster.

    NSB - Difference between Photosynthesis & Respiration

    Misconception 1: We use our nose for respiration while plants use their stomata

    • Respiration for both plants and animals takes place in all cells.

    Misconception 2: Respiration only takes place at night.

    • Respiration takes place all the time, throughout the day and night.

    Misconception 3: Photosynthesis only takes place in the day.

    • Photosynthesis only takes place in the presence of light. If there is no sunlight in the day, photosynthesis will not take place.

    Summary table of difference

    Homework: NSB - Conversion of Energy from one form to another

    We have discussed the following examples on how energy is converted from one form to another.
    • During photosynthesis
    • During respiration
    • When a ball falls from a height
    Your task is to read up and write down as many examples on how energy is converted from one form to another. 
    - you may use the various types of power stations (application of energy conversion) we have discussed so far.

    This task is due Friday, 19 Feb.

    Reminder - Things to bring tomorrow.

    • Bring along your 2015 Practice Paper (MCQ). We will continue to go through the answers tomorrow.
    • [Only for pupils who have not handed in] Bring 2015 Practice Paper (Section B) tomorrow.